Learning Opportunities

There are many short lessons all throughout the plan and in the library machine room. Click on the boxes in the maps below to jump to an area with a lesson to watch or engage. Can you find all the lessons in the plant?

The last tab simply lists all the learning opportunities so you can catch any that you may have missed. You can also click on the “Free Roaming Tour” button to explore the entire facility without restrictions and and with all lessons enabled.

Blueprint of the lower level of the central heating plant with the learning opportunities highlighted
Mixing Tank
Conden. Pump Skid
Compressor, Air-tank, Dryer
Feed Pumps
Blowers #2 & #3
Blower #4
Chilled Water Pumps
Blueprint of the first floor of the central heating plant with the learning opportunities highlighted
Control Room
Water Treatment
Boiler #1
Boiler #2
Boiler #3
Boiler #4
Chiller #1
Chiller #2
Chiller #3

Lower Level / First Floor Learning Opportunities
Blueprint of the second floor of the central heating plant with the learning opportunities highlighted
Boiler 1
Boiler 2
Boiler 3
Boiler 4
Condenser Pumps
Control Panels 1
Control Panels 2
Control Panels 3
Blueprint of the roof of the central heating plant and the machine room of the library with the learning opportunities highlighted
Air Handler 1
Air Handler 2
Air Handler 3
Return Air Shaft 1
Return Air Shaft 2
Cooling Towers

Second Floor / Roof & Library Learning Opportunities

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[details go here]

Boiler #1

The oldest boiler in the plant

Boilers #2 & #3

The twin boilers in the middle

Boiler #4

The newest boiler in the plant

Centrifugal Chillers

The essential equipment of the chilling plant

Water Treatment

Preparation of the water used throughout the plant

Chiller Power & Pumps

The 'mez' (2nd floor) of the chilling plant

Cooling Towers

Releasing heat from the refrigeration cycle


Recapturing some energy before it leaves the plant

Library Air Handler

Where the heated or chilled water gets used

Piping System

The piping system distributes the heating/chilling medium

Steam Turbine

Using thermal energy to create mechanical work

Air Compressor

Generating Compressed Air for the Plant


Creating pressure to distribute the heating/cooling medium

Combustion Fuel

An essential ingredient to create thermal energy

Combustion Air Fan

Good air flow is necessary to maintain combustion

Free Roaming Tour

Click here to freely walk the entire facility with all topics available